Joint workshop: Exploring Flexibility from Renewable Hydrogen and Bioenergy in Energy Systems Modelling

17 Nov, 2023
Location: Torino, Italy and hybrid

Joint workshop between ETSAP, IEA Bioenergy TCP Task 44 and the Intertask Project (ITP) Synergies on green hydrogen and the biobased value chain.

Task 44 prepared this workshop as a hybrid session in Torino (Italy) on 17 November 2023. During this joined event, there were four presentations and a collaborative design session for the February 2024 flexibility webinar, latest moderated by Fabian Schipfer and Christiane Hennig from Task 44.

Workshop organized by

  • IEA Bioenergy Task 44 Flexibility and System Integration
  • ITP Synergies green hydrogen and biobased value chains
  • IEA Energy Technology Systems Analysis Program (ETSAP)

Multi-sector coupling holds the potential for increasing flexibility. But what are the beneficial and detrimental impacts of system flexibilisation, and how can we assess and anticipate them?

The objective of this IEA Bioenergy, IEA ETSAP and IEA Hydrogen collaboration is to exchange modelling experiences and perspectives on the multi-faceted aspects of flexibility. A bioenergy supply chain can be an intricate and networked affair: Flexibility can often be found throughout the chain, in feedstock sourcing, pre-treatment, storage, distribution, and conversion into heat, power, and fuels. While hydrogen supply and utilisation from feedstock-independent renewables might be a less complex endeavour, respective impact assessment is not straightforward either. For example, energy storage at different time scales, inter-sectoral synergies and tradeoffs, and contributions to energy security must be accounted for. Also, system complexification through integration, sector-, and multi-sector coupling boosts systemic risks, encompassing safety concerns, security vulnerabilities, and the potential for cascading failures.

Adjunct to the ETSAP workshop and ExCo meeting in Torino (IT), a half-day workshop will set the scene for the discussion and the joint planning of a webinar with the aim of formulating a modelling agenda for flexibilisation impact assessment.


Friday 17 November 2023


09:00 – 12:30

Session A – Chair: Brian Ó’Gallachóir

Session B – Chair: Tiina Koljonen, VTT

  • Presentation on IEA Net Zero Pathways/Roadmap
    Uwe Remme, IEA
  • Collaborative design of the February 2024 flexibilisation webinar
    Moderated by Fabian Schipfer and Christiane Hennig, IEA Bioenergy TCP

Concept: Hybrid workshop: Speakers present in Torino and online, audience in Torino and online