Task 44 meeting in Graz in January 2023
Task 44 organized the first Task meeting in 2023 in hybrid format in Graz, Austria on 16-17 January 2023. Physical participants got to enjoy the beautiful Graz, and get to know colleagues from other IEA TCPs, having meetings at BEST at the same time. Hybrid mode enabled further members to join the meeting, bringing together in total 14 Task experts. Furthermore, Task 44 members participated the 7th Central European Biomass Conference CEBC 2023 straight after the Task meeting and co-organized the IEA-Cross-TCP Workshop with other IEA TCPs as a part of the conference. Task 44 thanks BEST – Bioenergy and Sustainable Technologies for hosting the meeting!
An internal workshop on ‘Bioenergy policies’ was organized among Task 44 members as a part of the Task meeting. Daniela Thrän, Task 44 co-lead and German NTL, gave a presentation on ‘Where to expect the bioenergy under biomass scarcity in Germany’ based on modeling approach, discussing the questions of the optimal role of the limited biomass in a renewable energy transition, priority target markets for biomass, and most competitive technologies. Kjell Andersson, Swedish NTL, presented different policies to promote flexible bioenergy solutions.
Short country updates on status and developments of flexible bioenergy were provided from all Task members. Technical developments of flexible bioenergy solutions were discussed and collected as Task 44 will update its technical report later during the triennium. Also new ideas for Best Practice examples on flexible bioenergy were collected to complement the collection.
All Task 44 activities planned for the triennium 2022-2024 are already in implementation or preparation. One of the Task 44 activities in 2023 will be a workshop on ‘Energy system modelling options and requirements for planning flexibility from bioenergy and hydrogen’. Further information will follow soon!
As always, it was a pleasure to meet and exchange with Task 44 experts.